Strasbourg has been designated by UNESCO as the first French city to receive the World Book Capital label, in recognition of its ongoing commitment to promoting books and reading. This distinction is part of an approach designed to address contemporary issues such as climate change, social inequality and democratic fatigue. Strasbourg, the historic cradle of the book, has a long literary tradition dating back to Gutenberg’s stay in the 15th century. The city is home to a rich tangible and intangible heritage, as well as a vibrant creative community, with 40 publishing houses, 25 bookshops and a network of 59 libraries. On April 23, 2024, Strasbourg will officially become the World Book Capital for one year. This date, World Book and Copyright Day, is an opportunity to kick off the festivities. The city’s program as World Book Capital focuses on five strategic areas: Chapter 1: the spring of the Grande Lecture (April 23 to June 20, 2024) Chapter 2: the Lire notre monde summer (June 21 to September 5) Chapter 3: the rentrée littéraire et culturelle (September 6 to November 14, 2024) Chapter 4: strasbourg Capitale de Noël se livre (November 15 to December 31) Chapter 5: les dernières pages s’écrivent (January 1 to April 23)



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